Bringing the ingenuity of Design Thinking to a day-to-day leadership and work guide
Whatever your line of work, whatever your role or task, having a structured process and some ready-to-use tools at hand to tackle everyday business challenges is important.
If you´re looking for a virtual or physical desktop guide that might come in handy in these moments, you might like our newly published “The ACE it! Master Certification Handbook“. It shows how to bring the ingenuity of Design Thinking to day-to-day leadership and work.
We crafted this book as an additional resource for our program participants. Leaders will find it useful when preparing a 1:1 with their employees.
Coaches will prep their client sessions with our “Wheel of Motivation“ tool.
And HR professionals will spark new ideas when visualizing their new hires´“Learning Curves“ when setting them up for success in their organizations. In fact, also teachers, mentors, consultants, parents – anyone dealing with people – will find success factors in this book to enhance their development and enrich their work and relationships.
So, what does this handbook contain?
People and organizations worldwide use the ACE it! method for ongoing innovation, change, to learn and help others learn, solve problems, seize opportunities and, ultimately, to be more successful.
This is their success formula: ACE + insights + tools = ACE it! Based on this success formula, the handbook is composed of seven chapters that you can use to run individually with your employees, teams, or clients, or as a whole program for learning and team building.
Step-by-step you will be guided through the ACE it! method and can pick out what is relevant for you.
Finding and prioritizing solutions with the TO DO tool
For example, Chapter 1 explains the ACE Process for problem-solving and learning with precise directions and examples. You will accompany a team applying the ACE Process to make their meetings more efficient.
The book also contains many insights, for example on strength-based learning, and suggests exercises to better identify and ultimately make more use of your team´s unique strengths (Chapter 2).
On top, you will find many practical tools showing you how and when to use them along different case studies: In Chapter 3, you will encounter Anne who is supervising Max, helping him to identify and activate his motivators with “The Wheel of Motivation”.
You will meet Jenny in Chapter 6, tackling her work-life balance as a mother of two with a full-time job. You will get to know the TO DO tool and learn how Jenny applied it to find and prioritize solutions to solve her challenge.
In Chapter 7, Karl successfully overcomes his coffee addiction with the help of his team and the “Arrow of Success” tool.
You will also find a list of book recommendations and tool templates in the appendix. All in all, this handbook is a valuable (and fun!) resource that will make your work and life much easier.
If you want to get a copy, come join our ACE it! Master Certification Program as a participant and become an expert user of the ACE it! method.
We look forward to welcoming you in our programs and as our readers!